Hydrogen Storage Module FSM60-250

  • Hydrogen storage module FSM60-250 (capacity 292 kg H2, 250 bar).
  • Store up to 165,000 scf of hydrogen in a 20’ container with our fuel storage modules.
  • High-pressure, high-capacity cylinders are rack mounted in secure storage pods.
  • Our modular, upgradable approach enables customers to match on-site hydrogen storage with their near-term needs and increase supply as demand grows.
  • A transducer-based telemetry system remotely monitors the location and pressure of the module, eliminates routine maintenance visits.
  • Best in class safety features include thermally activated pressure relief devices, welded manifold connections for leak prevention and rapidly venting cylinders.

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BayoTech's hydrogen storage module FSM

  • Fuel storage modules produced by BayoTechTM are ideal for long-term bulk hydrogen storage. High-pressure, high-capacity cylinders are rack mounted in secure storage pods. The number of cylinders can be increased over time, to match growing hydrogen demand. The compact container footprint makes for a flexible hydrogen storage option, suitable to support fuel cell vehicle refueling stations, backup power at critical infrastructure sites or on-site hydrogen production.
  • Unlike liquid hydrogen storage, there is no concern of the vaporization of the hydrogen supply. A tranducer-based telementry system remotely monitors the location and pressure of the module, eliminating the need for routine maintenance visits.
  • Cylinders are fitted with a proprietary 1/4-turn valve with an integrated, CG-10 thermal relief device which permits evacuation of the cylinder contents within 90 seconds after actuation regardless of the cylinder pressure. The proprietary valves allow for easy opening and closing while providing the operator an easy visual indicator of the valves condition.
  • Best in class safety features include thermally-activated pressure relief devices, welded manifold connections for leak prevention and rapidly venting cylinders.


  • Lightweight, high-capacity Type III cylinders (non-permeable, aluminum liner wrapped in carbon fiber)
  • Rack-mount, cylinder-based system is modular to scale with demand
  • Compact footprint
  • Industry-leading safety features
  • Transducer-based telemetry system for remote monitoring

Hydrogen storage module variants

Hydrogen Storage Module Variants

Application areas - hydrogen storage for

  • Fuel cell backup power at critical infrastructure sites
  • Fuel cell vehicle refueling stations
  • Hydrogen production sites
  • Renewable energy micro-grid sites with electrolysis

Contact us

  • BayoTech is Making Hydrogen Easy
  • We would love to hear about your projects and requirements. Complete the contact form and we'll be in touch with you soon!
Brand BayoTech
Nom. Tank Pressure (in bar) 250
Max Storage (in kg H2) 292.9
Manufacturing Readiness (MRL) 0
Technology Readiness (TRL) 0

BayoTech is an innovator in hydrogen solutions and committed to addressing the global need for reliable, cost-effective, and low-carbon hydrogen. BayoTech sites hydrogen production close to demand and distributes it to nearby consumers via high-pressure gas transport and storage equipment. Customers are accelerating the decarbonization of their energy and transportation systems through BayoTech’s supply of hydrogen production units, molecules, sale and lease of equipment, and zero-emission power solutions.

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