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Hydrogen Focus
Step 1: Create a free Vendor Account

Contact Data

Account Credentials

Company / Organisation Data

In Step 2: You will be able to upload your products/services for listing and select a suitable vendor plan to publish them.

FAQs - for quick answers to questions others have asked

How do I register my products?

Create a vendor account to gain access to the vendor admin panel where you can then add and edit all entries related to your products and your company. How many products/services you can show depends on the vendor plan you choose.

Is the registration free of charge?

Yes, creating a vendor account is free. Depending on the reach you’d like to give your listed products/services as a registered vendor you can choose paid options before publishing them.

I see you’ve updated your platform, and I’ve been using Hyfindr previously. What changes apply to me as a vendor?

We very regularly update the platform in an effort to provide an even better experience and service to all users. In April 2024 we introduced a new and more robust technological base enabling improved speed and many new functions previously unavailable. As a vendor you now have access to a host of functions such as managing your team and listings yourself as well as the ability to perform actual transactions with interested customers.

Can I get help when registering my products?

Yes sure, please contact us using the link below the FAQ section or via the contact us link in the footer and we will be glad to help.

Will I be notified if a customer is interested in my products?

Yes, you will be immediately notified when customers request a quote for your products or simply want to contact you. You then can make a price offer to such customers. If the offer is accepted a transaction can be concluded directly.

Can customers request a quote on the Hyfindr marketplace?

Yes, the request for quote workflow allows the relevant interaction between you and the customer to agree on a specific price.

Am I obliged to disclose a price for my products on the Hyfindr marketplace?

No, however we encourage you to do so since this will increase the likelihood that someone in need of this will place an order to you directly. It is the fastest and definitely the easiest way to get going in the Hydrogen Economy!

Why should I register my products on the Hyfindr marketplace?

Hyfindr is on a mission to grow the Hydrogen Economy by bringing transparency and in this way enabling easy transactions between those offering and those needing products and services. Showing your products ans services lets them shine in this specialized sector all around the world and you will certainly reach parties you did not think of before. Thousands of very relevant sales and contacts initiated via Hyfindr are testimony to this.

Can I be a buyer and a vendor on Hyfindr at the same time?

Yes. We understand that you probably will be needing materials, components and services to put your great products and services for the hydrogen economy together. Hyfindrs mission is to serve both sides.

Is there a person I can speak to if I have questions?

Yes, of course. Please choose a suitable meeting slot with one of us with the link below the FAQ section

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