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Why should I register as a buyer?

As a registered buyer you also enjoy increased credibilty with vendors. In addition you gain access to an admin panel where you can manage RFQs, enquiries and orders easily.

Is Hyfindr a manufacturer of products?

Hyfindr is on a mission to bring manufacturers and users of technical components and services in the hydrogen economy together digitally. We bring transparency to the Hydrogen Economy. Hyfindr does not itself manufacture such goods.

What if I know a product that should definitely be registered on the Hyfindr Marketplace?

You can do two things to drive the hydrogen economy forward towards more transparency. Drop us a note and ask us to approach the respective supplier - its very helpful if you name a contact person at the supplier. Alternatively, you can send the respective supplier an email and ask him to consider a registration with Hyfindr. Regardless which steps you take, we highly appreciate your engagement.

I see you’ve updated your platform, and I’ve been using Hyfindr previously. What changes apply to me as a buyer?

We very regularly update the platform in an effort to provide an even better experience and service to all users. In April 2024 we introduced a new and more robust technological base enabling improved speed and many new functions previously unavailable. As a buyer you can simply conclude a purchase or manage your enquires and RFQs in an admin panel.

Can customers request a quote on the Hyfindr Marketplace?

Yes this is possible and the respective vendor will be informed about the quote immediately

Is there a person I can speak to if I have questions?

Yes, of course. Please choose a suitable meeting slot with one of us with the link below the FAQ section

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