Fuel Cell Ageing Analysis with DiLiCo CURR TEMP for baltic quickCONNECTFixture

  • Distributed and segmented measurement of current and temperature within the cell over the active cell area for the baltic quickCONNECTfixture
  • Connector for distributed, segmented electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) devices
  • Visualization of operating effects such as media undersupply, flooding, drying, thermal hotspots, pressure-dependent performance
  • Measurement of locally reversible and irreversible ageing effects at the membrane
  • Ideal for fuel cell ageing analysis, individual cell components such as bipolar plates (material and flow field design), seals, membrane electrode assemblies and compression concepts of the cell

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Fuel cell ageing analysis with DiLiCo CURR TEMP for baltic quickCONNECTFixture

  • Fuel Cell Ageing Analysis with DiLiCo CURR TEMP for baltic quickCONNECTFixture FC25 and FC50 consists of a segmented sensor layer with integrated current and temperature sensors (48 for FC25 and 64 for FC50), electronics for evaluating the measured data, and software for visualization and extensive evaluation of the measured values for current density (current strength related to area) and temperature.
  • The segmented sensor layer is integrated in a special cellFixture from baltic without direct contact to the gases and liquids. Each segment measures the current (positive and negative) and temperature for a portion of the active area of the membrane electrode assembly.
  • The activity of the membrane, the design of bipolar plates, seals and other components can thus be evaluated in operation. During operation, conditions such as gas undersupply, thermal hot spots, and flooding can be identified, directly measure and visualize the correlations between humidification systems and cell performance.
  • DiLiCo CURR TEMP for baltic quickCONNECTFixture FC25 and FC50 provides valuable insight into the inside of the cell to optimize operation strategies and materials.
  • The sensor layer can also be provided with a connection to create an interface for measuring electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and to carry out parallel EIS measurements on selected segments.

Key features

  • With DiLiCo CURR TEMP for baltic quickCONNECTFixture FC25 and FC50 the user has information on the condition of the cells very close to the membrane and above the membrane surface.
  • The short and long-term behaviour of the membrane is visualized and the positive and negative influences of different operating parameters and materials can be measured and allow significantly better evaluations.
  • The measurement results are used to optimize operating strategies, to detect the best material composition and increase the lifetime and efficiency of galvanic cells.
  • Cell voltage measurement: 0 to 2.5 V
  • Connections: Up to 5 temperature sensors

Application areas

DiLiCo CURR TEMP for baltic quickCONNECTFixture FC25 and FC50 is suitable for developers and researchers for

  • Cell component testing such as seals, bipolar plates and MEA
  • Single cell testing in short and long-term ranges

Use cases

  • DiLiCo CURR TEMP for baltic quickCONNECTFixture FC25 and FC50 is primarily used by research institutes for lifetime tests and material comparison analyses
  • In the industrial sector, new MEAs, bipolar plate designs and other material compositions are initially tested on a single-cell basis in order to qualify for short-stack tests for further product development

Contact us

  • DiLiCo has the right fuel cell ageing analysis solution for you. Fill out the contact vendor form to contact the vendor.
Brand DiLiCo
Current Density (in A/cm2) 6
Electronic Control Interface CAN, USB
Manufacturing Readiness (MRL) 9
Technology Readiness (TRL) 9
Max Ambient Temperature (in °C) 175
DiLiCo engineering GmbH

DiLiCo engineering develops and produces measurement technology for monitoring and analysing electrolysis cells, fuel cells, redox flow batteries and batteries. This includes cell voltage monitoring and contacting solutions for cell voltage pick-up, in-situ current and temperature distribution measurements as well as EIS measurements for ageing analysis and evaluation of operational management. Electrolysis test stands for the reproducible measurement and analysis of electrolysis single cells are another of DiLiCo's areas of expertise.

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