Powertrain Testing Services

  • We have specialists and dedicated equipment for powertrain testing
  • Performance, endurance and HiL testing
  • Battery simulation
  • Dyno and inverter testing
  • Power measurement
  • Coolant and oil conditioning
  • Data acquisitions

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EPowerlabs is offering state of the art powertrain testing capabilities

EPowerlabs operates state of the art test benches for electro mobility at MUBIL Technology Center, providing a long-term expertise and innovative strength of the automotive branch. A flexible setup to enable tests and validation programs for motors and inverters with different application scope. A professional team formed in leading automotive companies provides the required expertise and management skills for a successful and lean execution.

The most demanded testing activities offered to our customers are:

1. Performance testing

  • Power curves
  • Efficiency Mapping
  • Flux Mapping
  • MTPA
  • BEMF
  • Drag losses
  • No Load & Locked rotor

2. Endurance testing

  • Heat Cycle
  • High Temperature Cycle
  • Humidity Cycle

Please see our testing presentation in the section “downloads”


Contact us for more detailed information!

Brand EPowerlabs
NX Technologies

NX Technologies was born from the vision to contribute towards a more sustainable world by providing services to help industry players accelerate the adoption of electric mobility. The team is formed by tech experts who have developed deep knowledge in leading automotive companies. The company has the mission to share this experience with clients through custom, agile and effective services. NX has developed a variety of embedded hardware to meet the specific needs of each project. From small motor control units for bicycles and mopeds in different power ranges, to developments for automotive industry inverters up to 300kW.

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