Modular SOFC test bench MHT100 - HydrogenTech

  • Modular test stand for SOFC stacks up to 100W
  • Best suited for R&D, validation testing, long-term tests
  • Assembly of stand-alone modules tailored to customer’s specific needs
  • Mobile, compact and simple to integrate 19-inch RACK construction
  • Can be operated remotely
  • Available with DFC 100W module as a demonstrator for academic purposes

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Product features

  • MHT100 test bench is designed to test operation of short SOFC stacks (up to 100W of electrical power). It is equipped with all the functionality needed to start-up the stack, control its operation, as well as monitor operating parameters and acquire cell voltage, current and temperature data.
  • Test station can be used in electrochemical tests, long-term degradation tests and alternative fuel supply tests.
  • The most important feature of the station is its modularity.
  • The individual assemblies (control, fuel metering, data acquisition, etc.) working together in the device are not mechanically integrated in the enclosure space, but are separately built-in modules that can be configured with each other depending on the needs of the station user.
    • water supply system for the evaporator (reforming or electrolysis)
    • gas supply system for the stack
    • electrical load module
    • heater and temperature control module
    • station control module with software
    • temperature, voltage, current data acquisition
    • reagent flow control (available with mass flow controllers) with control panel
    • connection panels for integration of modules - one socket standard
  • With appropriate module configurations at the station, it is possible to test stacks on hydrogen or methane-fueled cells in internal reforming mode.


  • Modules are designed as stand-alone, can work independently when removed from station
  • Test bench configuration is determined after prior consultation with the customer

Contact us

  • Please contact HydrogenTech for more information about product and DFC technology.
Brand HydrogenTech
Type of Fuel Cell SOFC
Max Pressure (in bar) 0.5
Max Power (in kW) 3.2
Max Current (in A) 30
Electronic Control Interface TCP/IP, Ethernet
HydrogenTech Sp. z o.o.

HydrogenTech is a research and development startup from Krakow, Poland, which is engaged in the production and development of solid oxide fuel cells. Our main potential differentiator among the competition is our internationally patent-protected high-temperature SOFC DFC bilateral reversible fuel cells. Hydrogen-powered DFC cells are based on an all-ceramic design with active layers integrated symmetrically on both sides - thus increasing the active surface area while reducing the cell's dimensions. The reversibility allows the cell to operate not only in electricity generation mode, but also in hydrogen production (electrolysis) mode. 

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