Fuel Cell Ion Exchanger Blue.iox L1500

  • Fuel cell ion exchanger for minimal electrical conductivity in the coolant liquid
  • Robust design for wide range application (passenger car, heavy duty, maritime, stationary)
  • Easy & clean service concept with standard tools and minimal waste
  • Flow optimized design for low pressure drop and optimal venting
  • Customized features possible (extra long range design, sensor integration)
  • Nominal an- and cation capacity: 1500 meq

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Fuel Cell Ion Exchanger Blue.iox L1500 (Large 1500meq)

  • To enable the safe and efficiency-optimized operation of fuel cell stacks, Hengst offers high-performance filtration solutions.
  • Developed as modular or customized modules, they effectively help expand CO₂-neutral mobility.
  • In fuel cell stacks, for example, the solubility of ionic components in the coolant circuit can pose a problem, as this may result in an increase in conductivity and electrical short-circuit effects, as well as power losses of the fuel cell.
  • The Hengst Blue.iox ion exchanger provides a remedy here, guaranteeing safe operation of the coolant with minimal electrical conductivity.

Key features

  • Simple maintenance: Filter cartridge can be replaced without special tool
  • Clean filter replacement: No leakage of coolant
  • Easy to customize: The modular design allows for different capacities
  • Minimum differential pressure: Thanks to optimally matched resin filing
  • Nominal an- and cation capacity: 1500 meq
  • Max. operating pressure: 6 bar
  • Operating temperature: -40°C – 100°C (specific conditions to be aligned)
  • Electric conductivity: < 1µS/cm possible
  • Pressure loss < 300 mbar at operating point


  • Filtration of Dielectric Fluids
  • Fuel Cell Coolant Circle
  • Passenger Car
  • Medium- and Heavy Duty for On- and Off-Highway
  • Stationary Applications
  • Maritime Application

Contact us

  • The Hengst Blue.iox ion exchanger provides a remedy here, guaranteeing safe operation of the coolant with minimal electrical conductivity. Interetsed? Please contact Hengst by filling in the contact vendor form.
Brand Hengst
Max Pressure (in bar) 6
Max Elec. Conductivity (µS/cm) 1
Manufacturing Readiness (MRL) 0
Technology Readiness (TRL) 0
Max Ambient Temperature (in °C) 100
Min Ambient Temperature (in °C) -40
Hengst SE

Mobility, Health, Economy, Environmental Protection & Sustainability - Hengst Filtration works daily on the major issues of our time. With the goal of making the planet a cleaner place. As a family-owned company with 3,500 employees at 21 locations worldwide, we stand for innovative solutions in filtration and fluid management. Our products are used in millions of applications around the world to make something cleaner. But we can do even better. We think filtration - in everything we do. We deliver filtration systems based on leading edge technology for plant and machine engineering, industrial filtration, hydraulics, life science and health care. These tailor-made solutions are used in medical cleanrooms, air conditioners, cleaning equipment, industrial installations, electric tools, and robots. We are also an OEM supplier for the international automotive and motor industry and a development partner for sustainable drivetrain and mobility concepts. Hengst Filtration uses this expertise to make future-oriented technologies possible worldwide, in all industries.

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