Fittings for Hydrogen Applications - MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus

  • Fittings for hydrogen applications ready for a energy transition
  • Quick, safe and simple connections
  • Flexible and comprehensive
  • Corrosion resistant with long service life
  • Ease of installation

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Fittings for hydrogen applications - MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus system

  • Converting existing gas networks to hydrogen can be facilitated by the MULTI/JOINT ® 3000 Plus pipe connection system.
  • MULTI/JOINT provides a solution to make existing gas networks ready for H2 transport.
  • Using MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus system, existing pipe grids are quick, safe and simple to connect. Jointing methods, such as collars, flanging, welding and the use of thrust blocks can be very time consuming.
  • Thanks to the flexibility of MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus, meeting the specifications of a wide variety of materials or outside diameters of the pipelines is no longer a challenge.
  • The MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus system comprises wide range fittings, flange adaptors, reduction pieces, bends, water applications and end caps in the ranges DN50 – DN600.
  • Thanks to the unique wide range sealing system all fittings can be made restraint as long as the nominal diameters are the same. All you need to know is the outside diameter of the pipe, the medium and the working pressure.
  • Connections or repairs are carried out by means of a restraint pull-out resistance system. This eliminates the need to work with thrust blocks.
  • All MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus products are corrosion-resistant, having earned their reputation for quality on the international market for over 30 years.


Key features

  • MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus is suitable for all pipe materials, offering a wide range for restraint connections. Thanks to the one-size fits and grips all principle, stock costs can be saved.
  • The MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus has been a proven quality connection for more than 30 years
  • The technical life expectancy of all MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus products is 50 years
  • The MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus fittings have easily accessible misaligned bolts. Installers can easily assess the correctness of their own installation in the trench
  • The MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus fittings have an angularity of ± 8˚ per socket end; for a coupling this means a total of maximum 16˚ angularity
  • Thanks to the “one size fits and grips all” principle, your stock costs will be reduced
  • Of the system's durable and corrosion proof thanks to the Resicoat® epoxy powder coating
  • It is suitable for all pipe materials and reusable
  • H2 fittings with 100% Hydrogen readiness by KIWA (AR214) and DBI (Gastechnologisches Inistitut Leipzig in Germany).
  • MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus fittings have easily accessible bolts and can be mounted without special tools. Time-consuming welding or flanging is no longer required.

MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus installation guide



  • Hydrogen distribution networks for the energy transition
  • Industrial applications
  • Maintenance and repair

Contact us

  • Would you prefer to work fast and reduce costs? The reliable MULTI/JOINT® 3000 Plus system is your answer! Our wide range fittings allow you to quickly make a restraint connection between all pipe materials, without special tools!
Brand Georg Fischer
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Georg Fischer AG

Georg Fischer is proud of its long history of success with roots going back more than 200 years when Johann Conrad Fischer laid the foundation. What began in 1802 with a small copper smelting plant and development works for new alloys, has since developed in to the global industrial concern we know today. Today, it is established as a leading supplier of piping systems for the safe and reliable transport of liquids and gases. Despite the constant change, customer-centric innovation and sustainability remain the defining values for GF Piping Systems. GF Piping Systems aims to offer the right product portfolio for hydrogen production, storage, distribution and utilization including a tailor-made services package to support our customers so that they can focus on their competences. Our System's ELGEF Plus, MULTI/JOINT 3000 PLUS and PRIMOFIT are already certified for 100% hydrogen use by KIWA. ELGEF Plus and MULTI/JOINT 3000 PLUS are also certified as "H2 ready" for 100% hydrogen use by DBI. For more information on the piping system solutions along the entire value chain of production, storage, transportation/distribution, and utilization, visit: Hydrogen - GF Piping Systems (

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