AEM Catalyst Coated Electrodes - SungreenH2

  • World's highest efficiency electrodes
  • Continuous operation up to 30,000 hours (about 3 and a half years)
  • Catalyst coated electrodes for Alkaline (AE) and AEM Electrolysis
  • Produce more hydrogen without using platinum group metals
  • Bifunctional electrodes made of low-cost materials
  • Reduces the initial capital cost of electrolyzers

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AEM Catalyst Coated Electrodes - SungreenH2

  • Ground-breaking electrode design tailored to maximize durability, increase reaction surface area, and reduce energy consumption in water splitting applications.
  • This innovative electrode incorporates advanced materials and engineering principles to optimize performance across various operating conditions.
  • SunGreenH2 electrodes produce more hydrogen than conventional electrodes but without using platinum group metals which have been forecast to be critical resource limitation on electrolyzer production.
  • One of the key innovations of SunGreenH2’s technology is to make limited natural resources go further by both reducing reliance on non-renewable natural resources and reducing the initial capital cost of electrolyzers.
  • SunGreenH2 bifunctional electrodes are made of low-cost materials which are compatible with alkaline environment.
  • The catalyst coated electrodes are capable of continuous operation up to 30,000 hours.
  • Each electrode is made from nickel fiber paper coated with catalysts made from low-cost earth abundant materials which are compatible with alkaline environments.

Key features

  • Catalyst coated electrodes for Alkaline (AE) and AEM Electrolysis
  • Electrode design tailored to maximize durability, increased reaction surface area, and reduced energy consumption
  • Produce more hydrogen without using platinum group metals
  • Bifunctional electrodes made of low-cost materials
  • Compatible with alkaline environment
  • Electrodes are capable of continuous operation up to 30,000 hours (about 3 and a half years)
  • Reduces the initial capital cost of electrolyzers

Technical specifications

  • Electrode Thickness: 300 μm
  • Porosity: 60%
  • Compression: 5%
  • Materials: Nickel Alloys

Application areas

  • Electrolyzer

Contact us

  • SunGreenH2 manufactures core components for electrolyser cells, stacks and systems. Interested? Please contact the vendor by filling in the contact form or the request for quote form.
Brand SungreenH2
Manufacturing Readiness (MRL) 8
Technology Readiness (TRL) 6

SunGreenH2 is an award-winning company transforming green hydrogen production through electrolysis with a proprietary technology for high-performance, low-cost electrolyzer components using advanced nanostructured materials. Recently awarded the BloombergNEF 2023 Pioneers award for accelerating the adoption of clean hydrogen with a proprietary technology for all commercial electrolyzers. The company is addressing several bottlenecks in the hydrogen industry. Based in Asia Pacific, the award-winning company has commissioned an electrode production and research and development facility in Melbourne, Australia, and is working with global electrolyzer manufacturers and hydrogen end users to bring products to market.

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