Industrial Water Chillers - Hyperchill Plus

  • Industrial water chiller for hydrogen applications
  • Reliable operation even in extreme ambient conditions
  • The non-ferrous hydraulic circuit maintains the quality of the coolant ensuring stable working conditions
  • Condenser filters reduce dirt, thereby preventing system downtime.
  • Compact design the Hyperchill Plus provides a space saving and easy to install solution.

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Industrial Water Chillers - Hyperchill Plus

  • Extremely compact and easy to use, industrial water chiller Hyperchill Plus is designed for safe and reliable operation in the most varied working conditions, providing a precise and accurate control of the process fluid temperature.
  • The availability of a wide range of accessories and options makes Hyperchill Plus a very flexible solution that fits the needs of all industrial applications.
  • Thanks to a non-ferrous hydraulic circuit, Hyperchill Plus ensures stable working conditions with maximum quality and cleanliness of the cooling fluid (water, water-glycol mixture, low viscosity fluids),improving the efficiency and productivity of the process and greatly reducing maintenance costs and plant downtime.
  • Each individual industrial water chiller Hyperchill Plus unit is extensively tested to guarantee efficient operation and reliability in all working conditions.

Key features

  • Non ferrous hydraulic circuit: non- ferrous water tank (stainless steel from ICEP005), stainless steel plate evaporator, non-ferrous pump with bypass prevent water from becoming corrosive.
  • Pump and tank installed inside the chiller provides a compact and easy to install solution; without pump and/ or without tank solution available.
  • Electronic controllers with proprietary software provide access to all the parameters of the units and allow special management for any specific need, with remote monitoring available.
  • Industrial water chiller completely configurable with many options and kits to fit the needs of industrial applications.
  • Condenser filters reduce dirt, there- by preventing system downtime.
  • As standard installed differential pressure switch that makes sure that the systems shuts down in the case that the circuit runs dry. Therefore the investment is protected.
  • Industrial water chiller Designed with eye bolts (till ICEP014) for easy handling.
  • IP54 standard from ICEP007 for out- door installations.
  • Independent condensing plenum enables routine and special maintenance to be performed without stop- ping the system.
  • Unit structure and design guarantee full internal access for easy maintenance.
  • Models from ICEP020 designed with fan step control in order to work in low ambient temperatures down to -10 °C.
  • MODBUS interface available on all models (standard from ICEP007). Water and refrigerant manometers permit full control of the working conditions.
  • Water pump: (standard 3bar) different head-pressures available to meet the requirements of specific applications.
  • Visual level Indicator: designed for open circuit versions.
  • Large built-in water tank that provides a large thermal mass / storage capacity thus reducing the number of refrigerant compressor stop/starts and short cycling thereby increasing the compressor and chiller life time and reducing the energy consumption.
  • Maximum ambient temperature upto 48 °C on standard units, Tropicalization up to 53 °C and Low ambient options ensure reliable operation in extreme ambient conditions.
  • Oversized condensers and evaporators guarantee high performing heat exchange increasing COP (Coefficient Of Performance).
  • PID software developed and tested to give the highest temperature consistency even at variable loads.
  • Use of compliant scroll compressors(from ICEP007) designed specifically for high efficiency and long life in industrial applications.
  • Low ambient speed-control (optional) on fan-motor ensures constant performances at different temperatures, long lifetime of the fans and a reduction in absorbed power when ambient temperature is low.

Key benefits

  • A differential pressure switch ensures a system shut down in the case that the circuit runs dry. Therefore the customers investment is protected.
  • Because of its compact design the Hyperchill Plus provides a space saving and easy to install solution.
  • Condenser filters reduce dirt, thereby preventing system downtime.
  • Industrial water chiller with reliable operation even in extreme ambient conditions. The standard units allow maximum ambient temperatures up to 48 °C. The tropicalized units up to 53 °C.
  • The non-ferrous hydraulic circuit maintains the quality of the coolant ensuring stable working conditions, improving productivity and decreasing maintenance costs


  • Suitable for various hydrogen applications

Contact us

  • Each individual Hyperchill Plus unit is extensively tested to guarantee efficient operation and reliability in all working conditions. Interested? Please contact Parker by filling in the contact vendor form.
Brand Parker
Max Cooling Capacity (in kW) 58.3
Ingress Protection Rating IP33, IP54
Max Ambient Temperature (in °C) 48
Parker Hannifin EMEA Sarl

Parker Hannifin is a Fortune 250 global leader in motion and control technologies. For more than a century the company has been enabling engineering breakthroughs that lead to a better tomorrow. Parker is supporting the global decarbonisation efforts through a broad range of solutions, hydrogen-compatible components and systems enabling safe and efficient operation for a variety of applications.

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