Electrolyser Stack Test Station - LBWS-100

  • Test station can be used for PEM, Alkaline and AEM electrolyser stacks testing
  • Versatile Operating Modes to Suit Every Need: Constant, Scan, and Step-Stair for V and I
  • Durable 316 Stainless Steel Construction with a Compact, Portable Design
  • Wide Temperature Range and Powerful Performance for Versatile Research and Industrial Applications

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Electrolyser Stack Test Station - LBWS-100

  • LBWS-100 is a high-performance electrochemical stack test system designed for PEM, Alkaline and AEM electrolyser stacks testing.
  • It combines precise control with robust construction, featuring a range of operating modes and a versatile power supply to support various experimental and industrial needs.

Key features

  • Provides precise control over electrochemical reactions with multiple operational modes, including Constant, Scan, and Step-Stair for both voltage (V) and current (I).
  • Supports up to 40A full-scale current range with a fine current resolution of 0.1% of the range, and a voltage measurement resolution of 10 mV for accurate monitoring.
  • Made with 316 stainless steel flow paths, the system includes a 1-liter auto-fill feed water reservoir, software-controlled circulation pump, and an in-line water recycling loop for efficient resource management.
  • Features dual liquid/gas separators, dehumidifiers, and precision-controlled purge gas (N2) options, along with in-line gas purity sensors and product mass flow meters for H2 and O2.
  • Equipped with multiple temperature and analog inputs for detailed monitoring and data logging, enhancing process optimization and safety.
  • Capable of operating in temperatures ranging from ambient to 120°C for the stack, and up to 95°C for feed water, making it suitable for various research and industrial environments.
  • Designed with a compact form factor (497 mm x 725 mm x 751 mm) and durable materials, weighing 60 kg, for ease of installation and mobility in different settings.

Application Areas

  • Research and Development of electrolyser stacks
  • Educational institutions,
  • Industrial applications

Contact us

  • Lightbridge is an innovative company that provides a wide range of products for the hydrogen industry. Interested? Please contact the vendor by filling in the contact vendor form.
Weight (in kg) 60
Brand LightBridge
Max Power (in kW) 1.2
Max Input Voltage (in V) 30
Max Current (in A) 40
Manufacturing Readiness (MRL) 10
Technology Readiness (TRL) 9
LightBridge Co., Ltd

Lightbridge was established on May 2, 2012 based on competitive technology in atmospheric pressure plasma and hydrogen energy. They develop and manufacture high-efficiency electrolysis components, modular electrolyzers, and PEM fuel cells, which are essential for hydrogen production and energy storage. LightBridge's innovations include plasma coating technologies and smart hydrogen stations, positioning them as a key player in the transition to clean energy. The company aims to contribute to a sustainable future by providing advanced solutions for hydrogen utilization and energy management.

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