Hyfindr Tech Talk #8 – Cascade Management in Hydrogen Refueling

In this tech talk, Steven had the pleasure of discussing Cascade Management in Hydrogen Refueling with Rico Schöni, Chief Marketing Officer at Eugen Seitz AG.

Learn about Cascade Management in Hydrogen Refueling

Steven Oji and Rico Schöni discuss the pressure regulation essential for the hydrogen filling. They discuss the use of mosaic valves from Eugen Seitz's company and explain the cascade management process used in hydrogen refueling stations. They also discuss the importance of reducing potential failure points and the benefits of Seitz's flow panel which has 40 valves in one block and provides the whole management of these valves. Finally, they discuss the use of sensors and valves to create a smooth rising pressure level in the refueling station.

Rico Schöni, an expert from the company Eugen Seitz, and Steven Oji of Hyfindr explain the importance of pressure regulation in the hydrogen economy and how their valve panels are used to control the hydrogen flow from the compressor to the storage banks on different pressure levels. He explains the concept of cascade filling, where different pressure levels are used to refill vehicles, and how the valves are made of solenoid coils and cylinders to create the required mass flow. He discusses their partner company True Zero, who uses 40 valves in one block and provides the whole management of these valves for higher up time. He shows how the valves are connected to the hydrogen refueling station, and how their valve panels are used to control the hydrogen flow from the compressor to the storage banks on different pressure levels. He stresses the importance of sensors in the hydrogen refueling process and that building the hydrogen economy is only possible in strong collaboration between all components.

If you like the video, please also subscribe to our new Hyfindr Youtube Channel. We launched Hyfindr Tech Talks in January - a new format that is specifically designed for engineers who are interesed in the hydrogen economy!

Steven is a fuel cell system designer and he will deep-dive into the technology that makes the hydrogen economy work with real experts. We hope you will like the new format.