* 标准 -> 已集成在冷却器中
50 多年来,Riedel Kooling 一直依靠个性化、节能的冷却系统满足工业、商业和医疗应用的需求。我们与您一起设计经济、可持续的未来冷却过程。
品牌 | Glen Dimplex Deutschland GmbH | Riedel Kooling |
电子控制接口 | included |
防护等级 | IP54 |
制造就绪度(MRL) | 10 |
技术就绪度(TRL) | 9 |
符合 | ISO 9001, EN 378, VDE, BGV |
最高环境温度(°C) | 50 |
最低环境温度(°C) | -20 |
Riedel Kooling is a brand of Glen Dimplex Deutschland GmbH and part of the internationally operating Glen Dimplex Group with headquarters in Dublin (Ireland). At its HQ in Kulmbach, Glen Dimplex has stood for expertise in heating and refrigeration for over 40 years. This is where energy-efficient heating and air-conditioning systems are designed by our engineers and technicians at our in-house development department and perfected to market maturity. Products from Glen Dimplex are a byword for engineering expertise, quality and “Made in Germany” design. In addition to the headquarters in Kulmbach, Riedel Kooling is globally positioned with subsidiaries in Kalamazoo (USA) and Shenyang (China). With locations in all important time zones and a global production and service network, we are particularly close to our customers.
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