钉合板 - Spectronik

  • SNH-12-30-35 是一款即插即用电路板,可产生电磁阀应用中通常需要的尖峰和保持电压。
  • 每个 SNH-12-30-35 电路板最多可支持 4 个 Spectronik 的 HFV-3X-55 高流量微型阀模块。
  • 订购时,保持电压也可在工厂配置为 3.5-5VDC 之间。


峰值和保持板 - Spectronik

  • SNH-12-30-35 是一种即插即用电路板,可产生电磁阀应用中通常需要的峰值和保持电压。
  • 每个 SNH-12-30-35 板可支持最多 4 个 Spectronik 的 HFV-3X-55 高流量微型阀模块。
  • 订购时,保持电压也可在工厂配置为 3.5-5VDC 之间。


  • 尺寸(最大)- (长) 57 x (高) 12 x (宽) 27 毫米
  • 重量- 8.8 g
  • 工作环境温度- -20℃ 至 50℃
  • 安装特性- 4 x ∅ 3.2 mm 孔


  • 电源电压和电流- 12 ±5% VDC, 4 A |每个高流量微型阀门模块 1A
  • 信号(开/关)输入- 3.3 VDC 至 12 VDC
  • 输出尖峰和保持电压- 电源电压尖峰 45 毫秒,保持在 3.5 ±5% VDC,工厂可配置 3.5 V 至 5 V 保持电压


  • 对此产品感兴趣?请填写“联系供应商”表格联系 Spectronik,或直接将其添加到购物车中,实现无缝交易。
品牌 Spectronik
最大电流(A) 4
最高环境温度(°C) 50
Spectronik Pte. Ltd.

At Spectronik, our mission is to democratize Hydrogen fuel cells.

We develop the world’s best portable fuel cells and curate accessories such as Hydrogen cylinder and pressure regulator – so that any electric platform can be easily converted into a Hydrogen powered one.

Our flagship product – the Protium Series fuel cells, have been deployed in 35+ countries worldwide. They can be found in the air, on land, at sea and on rail – powering Mobile Robots and Urban Electric Mobility applications such as aerial drones, UGVs, AGVs, AMRs, forklifts, eco-cars, motorbikes and light pickup trucks. Spectronik powered products have won a national award, set a new world record, and dominated several fuel efficiency competitions.

Sustainability is a core aspect of our product design. All Spectronik fuel cells can be recycled and refurbished at the local point-of-use, creating high quality green jobs. More than 90% of the components in our fuel cells can be reused, effectively amortizing both the embodied carbon and initial cost of the product over several life cycles. Spectronik fuel cell architecture is best suited for tomorrow’s urban electric mobility needs – zero emission, fast refueling, high driving range and long service life.

Join us in our journey to a future world powered by green Hydrogen solutions!

All Spectronik fuel cells are proudly designed and manufactured in Singapore.

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