
  • 对于您自己的生产,我们利用我们的双极板工程技术分析从线圈到成品焊接双极板的所有生产步骤
  • 我们根据分析结果并考虑到您的基础设施,开发了可扩展且面向未来的生产线概念


双极板生产线工程 - 服务范围

  • 我们始终考虑计划产量,为您的各个生产步骤提供有根据的分析,从线圈到最终焊接的双极板。
  • 我们专注于经济和可持续生产,还为您的生产线开发可扩展的概念,可根据您的要求进行扩展。
  • 这样,我们为您提供经济和可持续生产的安全保障,包括生产、工艺、产品和性能。
  • 在实施您的工厂技术时,我们当然会关注与您的基础设施的最佳集成,并为您创建适当的安装和装配计划。


  • 从 CAD 设计进行可生产性工程
  • 生产用于燃料电池应用的金属双极板
  • 生产金属隔板电解应用的金属双极板
  • 热交换器应用的金属双极板生产


  • 让我们帮助您获得最高效的双极板生产生产线技术。
品牌 Graebener
Gräbener Maschinentechnik GmbH & Co. KG Graebener® Bipolar Plate Technologies is part of Graebener® Maschinentechnik, a medium-sized, family owned machine building company with locations in Netphen (Germany) and Houston (USA) as well as various international representatives. For 20 years, Graebener® has been one of the first companies to focus on the research and development of manufacturing processes and machines for fuel cell and electrolyzer components. The company has dedicated itself to setting the quality standard for manufacturing technologies by developing innovative processes and machines that help to manufacture fuel cell and electrolyzer components, such as the metallic bipolar plate, that are tailor-made, integrable, scalable and thus economically efficient. For this purpose, Graebener® accompanies all strategically important steps towards the optimally designed production line: Starting from engineering with a view to plate design and line concept via prototyping and small series production in the in-house production laboratory up to the customized production machine or line. Experience from more than 100 years of metal processing and worldwide customer-specific special solutions are incorporated into the holistic development partnership with the customer.
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