氢气罐内衬 - Georg Fischer 管道系统

  • 乔治费歇尔管道系统供应高压氢气罐内衬的内管,具有出色的气体阻隔性和出色的抗冲击性,确保高品质。
  • 提供不同的直径和长度,以满足客户的特定要求。
  • 其产品适用于各个领域,包括汽车、氢气运输和长期储罐的建造。
  • 可根据您的特定要求使用多种材料


氢气罐内衬 - 乔治费歇尔管道系统

  • 乔治费歇尔管道系统针对各种应用和市场构思、设计、制造和交付定制挤压产品。
  • 我们提供由聚酰胺树脂制成的高品质氢气罐内衬管,与高密度聚乙烯相比,聚酰胺树脂以其卓越的气体阻隔性能而闻名。
  • 内衬用于工作压力高达 700 bar 的储罐。
  • 可提供不同的直径和长度。


  • 内衬的凸台(或圆顶)根据您的储罐规格量身定制。
  • 与铝制内衬相比,重量更轻。
  • 所有产品的全面合作伙伴您的内罐需求。


  • 适用于移动和固定应用的氢气罐。
  • 用于 CNG(压缩天然气)领域的容器。

氢气罐衬里 - Georg fischer


  • 欧盟 (EU) 和世界其他地区 (ROW) 的众多原始设备制造商 (OEM) 和一级供应商,用于各种应用,包括运输和海洋部门。


  • Georg Fischer 管道系统为各种应用和市场构思、设计、制造和交付客户特定的挤出产品。感兴趣吗?请填写联系请求表联系 Georg Fischer。
品牌 Georg Fischer
制造就绪度(MRL) 10
技术就绪度(TRL) 9
Georg Fischer AG

Georg Fischer is proud of its long history of success with roots going back more than 200 years when Johann Conrad Fischer laid the foundation. What began in 1802 with a small copper smelting plant and development works for new alloys, has since developed in to the global industrial concern we know today. Today, it is established as a leading supplier of piping systems for the safe and reliable transport of liquids and gases. Despite the constant change, customer-centric innovation and sustainability remain the defining values for GF Piping Systems. GF Piping Systems aims to offer the right product portfolio for hydrogen production, storage, distribution and utilization including a tailor-made services package to support our customers so that they can focus on their competences. Our System's ELGEF Plus, MULTI/JOINT 3000 PLUS and PRIMOFIT are already certified for 100% hydrogen use by KIWA. ELGEF Plus and MULTI/JOINT 3000 PLUS are also certified as "H2 ready" for 100% hydrogen use by DBI. For more information on the piping system solutions along the entire value chain of production, storage, transportation/distribution, and utilization, visit: Hydrogen - GF Piping Systems (gfps.com)

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