氢气 25 bar 气体过滤器 - 唐纳森

  • 轻质铝制外壳气体过滤器
  • 经认证可承受高达 25 bar 的压力
  • 可维修
  • 可提供不同用途的不同滤芯


唐纳森氢气 25 巴气体过滤器

  • 唐纳森氢气 25 巴气体过滤器采用轻质铝外壳,适用于高达 25 巴的压力。
  • 此过滤器设计为可维修,并为各种应用提供不同的过滤元件,确保最佳保护和性能。
  • 两种元件选项:
    • FC 元件:保护氢燃料电池免受油雾、颗粒和某些化学污染物的侵害
    • ICE 元件:保护燃油喷射器免受硬颗粒和残留水的侵害


  • 可维修设计:允许轻松维护和更换滤芯。
  • 提供不同的滤芯,适用于不同的应用用途
  • FC 元件:保护氢燃料电池免受油雾、微粒和某些化学污染物的侵害
  • ICE 元件:保护燃油喷射器免受硬颗粒和残留水的侵害


  • 低压氢气系统,非常适合在压力调节器下游使用。 
  • 用于燃料电池和氢内燃机


  • 自 1915 年以来,唐纳森的创新推动他们开发新技术,以解决世界上最复杂的过滤挑战。感兴趣吗?请填写联系供应商表格联系唐纳森。
品牌 Donaldson
制造就绪度(MRL) 9
技术就绪度(TRL) 9
Donaldson Company, Inc.

As a global leader in the filtration industry, Donaldson Company helps solve some of the world's most complex filtration and contamination control challenges. Our filtration technologies and products are used every day in a variety of industries and environments, including aerospace, agriculture, construction, food and beverage, manufacturing, mining, power generation, transportation and many more. Our success comes from our 13,000+ employees, the support our customers receive, and more than 140 manufacturing and distribution centers on six continents.

Proven filtration, future redefined.

Our alternative power filtration solutions are designed to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and enable greener operations, all while maintaining top-tier productivity levels. For more than 20 years, Donaldson engineers and advanced materials experts have worked collaboratively with leading OEMs and Tier 1 / Tier 2 suppliers to develop customized solutions that meet specific fuel-cell application requirements in critical areas. Donaldson offers customized solutions that incorporate high efficiency media and carbon layers to effectively address the sources of fuel cell contamination.

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