DetecTape® 可视氢气泄漏检测器是一种变色自熔硅胶包裹物,旨在检测燃料电池、传输、存储和发电设施中的氢气泄漏。当与浓缩氢气接触时,如果由于振动或密封失效而发生泄漏,胶带会迅速从浅灰色变为深黑色。
DetecTape 是一种简单有效的检测氢气泄漏的方法。只需将其贴在最有可能发生泄漏的地方,任何泄漏都会触发视觉指示,以便进行目视检查。
适用于接头、法兰、配件、阀门、焊缝或任何使用 H2 的行业中最容易发生泄漏的地方:
品牌 | DetecTape |
长度(cm) | 460 |
制造就绪度(MRL) | 9 |
技术就绪度(TRL) | 9 |
最高环境温度(°C) | 232 |
最低环境温度(°C) | -54 |
Introducing DetecTape by Element One, a breakthrough in non-invasive hydrogen leak detection and indication for industrial applications. DetecTape’s specialized pigment turns from grey to black in seconds upon contact with hydrogen, rapidly alerting users to potential leaks—even those too small for traditional methods to detect. The silicone tape is hydrogen-permeable, allowing hydrogen gas to pass through so technicians can still use sniffers and other detection methods. DetecTape can be applied around fittings, flanges, and joints without residue, providing a safe and efficient alternative to soapy water tests.
Element One is a small employee-driven company based in Boulder, Colorado with a passion for renewable energy and a vision for a hydrogen powered future. We believe low-cost hydrogen sensors are a key enabler for a successful Hydrogen Economy. We are doing our part! (One roll of tape at a time.) Would you like to know more? Email us!
We proudly develop, test, and manufacture all of our products in the USA, and are committed to the health, safety and fair employment of our employees, contractors, and subcontractors. We believe in creating sustainable domestic jobs for this generation and the next.
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