防爆外壳 - Rittal

  • 灵活性和适应性:Rittal Ex 外壳为爆炸危险区域提供灵活的解决方案。
  • 模块化: 由于采用模块化设计和适应性,适用于各种应用。
  • 高效率:优化结构,实现最大安全性和效率。
  • 安全性:通过 ATEX、IECEx 和 UL HazLoc 认证的安全性。


Rittal Ex 外壳

Rittal Ex 外壳专为爆炸危险区域设计,提供最高的安全标准。它们非常适合应用于石化产品、炼油厂、石油平台、加油站、液化天然气基础设施和氢气生产。


  • 材料和结构:玻璃纤维增强聚酯和不锈钢,坚固耐用,户外使用性能好。
  • 认证和标准:ATEX、IECEx、UL HazLoc、EN 60079-0:2009。
  • 防护等级:IP 66(IP 65 AX 塑料)。
  • 温度范围:-30 °C 至 +80 °C(AX 塑料:-40 °C 至 +70 °C)。
  • 安装选项:众多安装耳,易于接地和壁挂,灵活的内部安装选项。


  • 工业:保护爆炸危险区域中的控制器和组件。
  • 能源生产:用于氢气电解厂生产。
  • 建筑技术:危险区域电气设备的保护。


  • 炼油厂和钻井平台:保护控制器和组件。
  • 液化天然气和氢气基础设施:在爆炸危险区域安全运行。



品牌 Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG

Rittal is a leading global supplier of enclosure systems, automation and infrastructure with the divisions Industry, IT, Energy & Power, Cooling and Service. Rittal products and solutions are used in over 90 per cent of industries worldwide – standardised, customised, in the best quality.

Eplan offers software and services for engineering in the fields of process automation, electrical engineering and automation. The company develops one of the world's leading software solutions for mechanical, plant and panel building. Eplan is also the ideal partner for simplifying challenging engineering processes.

Our approach: Combining hardware and software expertise, Rittal, Rittal Software Systems (Eplan, Cideon) and Rittal Automation Systems (RAS, Ehrt, Alfra) optimise, digitise and automate their customers' processes along the entire value chain, including the IT infrastructure – from panel building and mechanical engineering to the manufacturing industry and the energy sector.

The companies belong to the owner-managed Friedhelm Loh Group, which employs 12,100 people and generated a turnover of 3 billion euros in 2023.

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